Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh what a difference 3 years make!

Today is my wedding anniversary and I woke up this morning thinking about how different things were 3 years ago vs. what they are today.

You see, in September 2008 we were really all still living in a state of optimism, financially wise. 

The economy was going well (so we thought), people were looking to the future with great expectations (or at least with a sense of purpose). 

No one really saw what was happening until it was too late...no one that is but the BIG banks and some government officials who tried to keep things under wrap until it was no longer able to be hidden.

Then it all went to hell in a hand basket.  I went away on my honeymoon and came home to utter financial chaos.  Banks closing, major financial firms looking for financial protection from imploding...SCARY STUFF! 

What have we learned 3 years later?  I think quite a bit. 

Trust of the BIG banks has gone out the window by the consumer and due dilligence is the name of the game. 

Think about it...getting finances in order is at the top of the media mantra that we are fed every night in one form or another. 

Credit card interest rates, mortgage rates, bank fees, financial scams...they are all at the top of the news feed each and every night. 

This is a good thing as from what I can see, consumers are far more aware of what is going on with their own finances as they are reminded daily of the pending doom if we are not.  We are forced to look at our own reality.

The new question being raised lately, at least here in Canada, is are we headed for another round of the recession hit?

I believe that we will see a slow slide downwards as it is apparent how much the world economy impacts our Canadian one.  We are all in this together, whether we like it or not and it is obvious that we have created a global economy that cannot be fixed by one government or type of  bailout. 

Where does this leave all of us?

I believe better off, as how do we are humans learn?  By mistakes of course.  If you don't make a mistake, you never learn a lesson.

As I have said before, and I will say it again:
  1. Stay on top of your finances
  2. Pay your debt down as fast as you can
  3. Save for a rainy day
Hold on for the financial roller coaster and ride it out as best as you can.

We will come out better in the end, maybe I am an optimist but I just know it.


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