Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Watching old movies

Last night I pulled out an old tape that my Dad had given me 20 odd years ago of some old 8mm films that he had put onto a VHS. Funny how I had to run around my house and find a VHS to watch it on...how technology changes! Anyway, once I started watching the silent people on the screen running around in old out dated clothes and making funny faces it reminded me of simpler times. Times before cell phones or computers and when safety was not as big of an issue as it is today (i.e. kids in car seats and everyone in life jackets, etc). I thought of my grandma, now gone, and all the other faces of great aunts and uncles that have long since passed. I wondered if they had the same stresses that people think of as stress today. What I really got out of the old tape was my memories of being a kid, no stress and just love. I appreciate what my family has done for me over the years, but mostly what they didn't do...burden me with stuff that I couldn't handle. I was always allowed to be a kid and that is what everyone should do for their kids. Let them be free! Now off to find someone to put the VHS onto a DVD.

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