Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Another Day, Another Dollar!

Yesterday I started cleaning around my house and I kept finding change...dime, here, quarter get the picture.

I kept putting it in my pocket with the intention of placing it in our change sorter after I was done.  Now you did read this right that we have a change know, one of those machines that when switched on magically takes a pile of money and places it into individual paper tubes to create a $$ stack (MY FAVORITE)!

First and foremost, if you have someone in your family, specifically a male, who is almost impossible to buy gifts for, this is an excellent one!  Thanks Mom again for this useful gadget.

My husband comes home each and every day, and dumps his pockets out on the bedside table, and it accumulates fast!  The little cup that he puts it all in, overflows within a week and then the mess starts.  Unless it is placed in the sorter, it ends up on the floor and in slippers, etc.  You get the picture!

Anyway, I took all the change I found (including the $$ from the laundry area which is another place that seems to make $$) and placed it in the sorter.  After 15 minutes I had stacks of neatly bound cylinders that when counted totaled over $225!

Now at first I thought this could not be right and I re-counted it, but the reality is that in Canada, with our loonies and twonies...the change adds up, and fast!

I bet you that if you went around your home and checked pockets, drawers, piggy banks, etc, you could easily have a paid for night out and then some with just the found $$ that you didn't know you had!  Gotta love that.

So my suggestion to you is to do a spring clean, and invest in a money sorter that pays for it self in time saved by you not having to hand sort your change.  In the end, you will be pleasantly surprised at the fun you have and the extra moola you have "found".

Happy hunting!


P.S. As a side, get your kids involved in the $$ hunt...makes it fun for them and also teaches the value of a nickel!

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